reservation for stay Please Fill the Form Below for Stay Reservation Or you can make a reservation through our Airbnb listing. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *FirstLastAddress *NationalityEmail *Check-in Date *Check-in Month *JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberCheck-in Year20242025How Many Nights? *1 night2 nights3 nights4 nights5 nights6 nights7 nights8 nights9 nights10 nights11 nights12 nights13 nights14 nights15 and more nightsNumber of Adults *1 2 34 5 6 7 89Number of Kids (3-12 years old)012 34567No KidsPlease Choose The Package 🙂 *Simple PackageLong Stay Package To know the detail information about the package, please open You Have Food Allegies Or Restrictions? *YesNoFor the person who ansered Yes, please let us know the food you can't eat.If you have any questions or comment, please write here.Options Dinner in Private Dining 7500JPN/personCooking Class 7500JPN/personTea Tasting 3300JPN/personMatcha Art 3300JPN/personTea Ceremony 4400JPN/personTo know the detail information about additional experiences, please open Other Questions Or Comment If you have any questions or comment, please write here.How Did You Know About Blodge Lodge? *WebsiteSocial MediaAirbnbYour ConnetionsOthersPhoneSubmit Your Reservation